
October 2024. Welcome to Valeria Ciccone from U. of Manchester, a visiting PhD student from Anne Juel's lab.

August 2024. Congratulations to Andy and Manouk, who are presenting research in hemophysics and airborne transmission respectively at the 100th years anniversary of ICTAM taking place in Korea.

May 2024. Ashley's Impulscience project featured in Science et Avenir

May 2024. Congratulations to Arianna, awarded the "Prix de thèse interdisciplinaires 2024 de Montpellier". X

May 2024. Welcome Amélie Astézan, our new lab manager!

Apr 2024. Our paper on the dynamics of the proton motive force in bacteria has been accepted in Sci.Adv. Congratulations Anais!

17th-20st Dec 2024. The 3rd HemPhys school will be taking place in Montpellier.

Feb 2024. congratulations to Ashley, awarded with the CNRS Bronze Medal.

Dec 2023. Manouk speaks at Radio France about physics of saliva aerosols.

Dec 2023. Congratulations to both Anais Biquet Bisquert and Arianna Giannetti for their PhD defenses !

Dec 2023. Welcome to Peter Voyvodic as a research engineer in our team !

Oct 2023. Check our new open publication in Journal of Aerosol Science on the application of Digital Holography to study Saliva Aerosolization during Speech. Here is a CNRS press release

Oct 2023. Our Chapter about Research and Teaching Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic has been published in the eBook Chemical Education Research During COVID: Lessons Learned During the Pandemic Volume #1448, ACS Symposium Series.

Sept 2023. Welcome to Sylvain Domitin starting his PhD on biofilm formation using optical tweezers and holographic techniques.

Sept 2023. Welcome to Maya Salame and Tatiana Turcitu, Master students Visiting from Ottawa University for 3 months.

July 2023. ANR funding granted BaElMec on flagellar motor dynamics

July 2023. ANR funding granted SCADRIV on saliva atomization and drying in the context of pathogen transmission

Jan 2023. Collaborative Roadmap for optical tweezers published!

Sept 2022. Welcome to Tritan Xabada, starting his PhD on saliva atomization processes in coll with C. Ligoure in L2C.

Mar 2022. Welcome to William Hoffmann, starting his postdoc in the HFSP project Darwin-rwiDa.

June 2022. Flagship project SATIS granted by the Labex Numev

Sept 2021. Welcome to Thales Fernandes, starting his postdoc in Photonic Force Microscopy and related subjects.

June 2021. We are hiring, in the context of our international HFSP consortium! Check the open positions for one PhD and one postdoc researcher here [PDF].

May-June 2021. Welcome to Guillaume Ramadier (ENS Lyon) and Davide Sbroggio' (stage Master)

Apr 2021. Together with our collaborators Georg Hochberg (Max Plank Marburg, DEU), Morgan Beeby (Imperial, UK), and Craig Cary (Waikato Un, NZL) we have been awarded a HFSP research grant, with the project Darwin rwinDa: rewinding and rerunning evolution to study innovation in action.

Dec 2020. Welcome to Arianna Giannetti starting her PhD on the onset of deep vein thrombosis.

October 2020. Welcome to Andy Vinh Le starting his PhD on the blood flow microrheology.

Mar 2020. Welcome to Babptiste Carrio (stage Master 1, UM).

Mar 2020. Welcome to Babptiste Carrio (stage Master 1, UM).

Sept 2020. Our project HighResPFM, in collaboration with Benoit Charlot at IES Montpellier, aiming at building a new generation of the Photonic Force Microscope, is funded by the ANR!

May 2020. Our paper on Photonic Force Microscopy is accepted in NanoLetters! Here a CNRS press release.

May 2020. Welcome to Pierre Martin (stage Master 1, UM).

Dec 2019. Our new book on Blood Cells suspension dynamics just came out at CRC press.

Dec 2019. Congratulations to Rudy for his PhD.

Oct 2019. Welcome to Anaïs Biquet Bisquert, starting her PhD on the BFM dynamics.

Jul 2019. Welcome to Mahmoud Attia (stage Master Erasmus Mundi).

Feb 2019. Welcome to Nathan Mayer (stage Master 1, UM).

Jan 2019. We are recruiting one Postdoc or a PhD student to work on the biophysics of the flagellar motor [closed].

Nov. 2018. Our funded collaborative ANR project "FlagMotor" starts.

Oct 2018. Fete de la science: many young researchers visited our lab and saw bacteria swimming and lasers shining.

June 2018. Our paper in collaboration with Martin Depken's group at TUDelft is accepted in Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.

May 2018. Welcome to Younes Babaaziz (stage Master 1, UM).

Feb. 2018. A work on Allan variance in torque spectroscopy, in collaboration with N.Dekker at TUDelft, is accepted in Bioph.Journal.

Oct. 2017. Our paper on the mechano-sensitivity of the Bacterial Flagellar Motor has been accepted in PNAS. 

Oct. 2017. Our article on the impact of fluorescent proteins fused on the stators of the Bacterial Flagellar Motor is online.

Mar. 2017. Welcome to Rodolphe Moti (stage Master 1, in collaboration with C.Coillot L2C Montpellier), and Eliana Battistella (Master, Univeristà di Bologna).

Feb. 2017. Welcome to Emilie Gachon (stage Master 2).

Nov 2016. Congratulations to Millie for her PhD.

Nov 2016. Our article on Flagellar Motor pauses is online, as well as a book chapter on OTW design and calibration.

Aug 2016. Our article about a novel nano-fabrication of the birefringent cylinders for the OTW is accepted in JM3.

Fev 2016. Welcome to Rudy Desgarceaux (stage Master 2 in collaboration with Benoit Charlot at IES) and Simon Buy (stage Master 2 in collaboration with Christophe Coillot at L2C).

Nov 2015. Welcome to Emilie Gachon (stage Master 1).

Oct 2015.  ABC news (Australia) and CBC news (Canada) talk about Ashley's work: "Sound of bacteria swimming synthesized by scientists".

May 2015. Article in PRL, and welcome to Yan Valette (stage).

March 2015. Welcome to Afaf Meghit (stage, in collaboration with Benoit Charlot).

Feb 2015. Article in Chem.Rev.

Jan 2015 Welcome to Charles de Marin (stage) and Florian Morati (stage).

Aug 2014 Article in Plos One.