Selected Publications
Dynamic stiffening of the flagellar hook., A.L.Nord, A.Biquet-Bisquert, M.Abkarian, T.Pigaglio, F.Seduk, A.Magalon, F.Pedaci. Nat. Comm. 13, 2925 (2022). [Arxiv]
For many bacteria, motility stems from one or more flagella, each rotated by the bacterial flagellar motor, a powerful rotary molecular machine. The hook, a soft polymer at the base of each flagellum, acts as a universal joint, coupling rotation between the rigid membrane-spanning rotor and rigid flagellum. In multi-flagellated species, where thrust arises from a hydrodynamically coordinated flagellar bundle, hook flexibility is crucial, as flagella rotate significantly off-axis. However, consequently, the thrust applies a significant bending moment. Therefore, the hook must simultaneously be compliant to enable bundle formation yet rigid to withstand large hydrodynamical forces. Here, via high-resolution measurements and analysis of hook fluctuations under dynamical conditions, we elucidate how it fulfills this double functionality: the hook shows a dynamic increase in bending stiffness under increasing torsional stress. Such strain-stiffening allows the system to be flexible when needed yet reduce deformation under high loads, enabling high speed motility.
Stretching and break-up of saliva filaments during speech: A route for pathogen aerosolization and its potential mitigation, M Abkarian*, HA Stone, Phys. Rev. Fluids 5 (10), 102301 (2021)
Speech is a potent route for viral transmission in the COVID-19 pandemic. Informed mitigation strategies are difficult to develop since no aerosolization mechanism has been visualized yet in the oral cavity. Here we show with high-speed imaging how phonation of common stop consonants, found in most of the world's spoken languages, form and extend salivary filaments in a few milliseconds as moist lips open or when the tongue separates from the teeth. Both saliva viscoelasticity and airflow associated with the plosion of stop consonants are essential for stabilizing and subsequently forming centimeter-scale thin filaments, tens of microns in diameter, that break into speech droplets. Moreover, these plosive consonants induce vortex rings that drive meter-long transport of exhaled air, tying this mechanism to transport associated with speech. We demonstrate that a similar mechanism of aerosolization occurs during the vibration of reeds in wind instruments and may occur during the flapping of the glottis folds. Finally, our research suggests a mitigation of droplet production during speech by using a lip balm.
Microfluidic blood vasculature replicas using backside lithography, M Fenech, V Girod, V Claveria, S Meance, M Abkarian, B Charlot, Lab on a Chip 19 (12), 2096-2106 (2019)
Blood vessels in living tissues are an organized and hierarchical network of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veinules and veins. Their sizes, lengths, shapes and connectivity are set up for an optimum perfusion of the tissues in which they deploy. In order to study the hemodynamics and hemophysics of blood flows and also to investigate artificial vasculature for organs on a chip, it is essential to reproduce most of these geometric features. Common microfluidic techniques produce channels with a uniform height and a rectangular cross section that do not capture the size hierarchy observed in vivo. This paper presents a new single-mask photolithography process using an optical diffuser to produce a backside exposure leading to microchannels with both a rounded cross section and a direct proportionality between local height and local width, allowing a one-step design of intrinsically hierarchical networks.
Speech can produce jet-like transport relevant to asymptomatic spreading of virus, M Abkarian, S Mendez, N Xue, F Yang, HA Stone, PNAS, 117 (41), 25237-25245 (2020)
Medical reports and news sources raise the possibility that flows created during breathing, speaking, laughing, singing, or exercise could be the means by which asymptomatic individuals contribute to spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We use experiments and simulations to quantify how exhaled air is transported in speech. Phonetic characteristics introduce complexity to the airflow dynamics and plosive sounds, such as “P,” produce intense vortical structures that behave like “puffs” and rapidly reach 1 m. However, speech, corresponding to a train of such puffs, creates a conical, turbulent, jet-like flow and easily produces directed transport over 2 m in 30 s of conversation. This work should inform public health guidance for risk reduction and mitigation strategies of airborne pathogen transmission.
Tracking the air exhaled by an opera singer, P Bourrianne, PR Kaneelil, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Phys. Rev. Fluids 6 (11), 110503 (2021)
CO2 spray emitted during the singing of a MET Orchestra singer, recorded by infrared camera. Speech and singing spread droplets of saliva, which, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, raises many questions. Scientists have conducted several studies to shed light on what happens during conversations. They have observed that the flow of air generated when speaking has a direction and range dependent on the sounds produced. For example, the accumulation of plosive consonants, such as the P in "papa", produces a conical airflow of up to 2 meters in 30 seconds. These results also underline the fact that exposure time during a conversation influences the risk of contamination just as much as distance. Another study has described the mechanism by which micro-droplets are produced during speech: salivary filaments are formed on the lips for the consonants P and B, for example, and are then stretched, refined and fragmented into droplets. This work is currently being continued with New York City's Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, in a project designed to determine the safest conditions for the continued operation of this prestigious orchestra : Youtube video of Opera Singer Isabel Leonard
Red cells’ dynamic morphologies govern blood shear thinning under microcirculatory flow conditions, L Lanotte, J Mauer, S Mendez, DA Fedosov, JM Fromental, V Claveria, F. Nicoud, G. Gompper, M. Abkarian, PNAS, 113 (47), 13289-13294 (2016)
Our work reveals rich RBCs’ dynamic morphologies which govern blood shear thinning under microcirculatory flow conditions, contrary to the current paradigm assuming steady RBC orientation and membrane circulation. Our results suggest that any pathological change in RBCs’ local rheology will impact the onset of these morphological transitions and should play a key role in pathological blood flow.
All Publications
Measuring Bacterial Flagellar Motor Dynamics via a Bead Assay. W. Hoffmann, A. Biquet-Bisquert, F. Pedaci, A. L. Nord. Methods Mol Biol. 2881:43-64 (2025).
Spatio-temporal dynamics of the proton motive force on single bacterial cells. A.Biquet-Bisquert, B.Carrio, N.Meyer, T.F.D. Fernandes, M.Abkarian, F.Seduk, A.Magalon, A.L.Nord, F.Pedaci. Sci. Adv. Vol. 10, 21 (2024).
Digital in-line holography to explore saliva aerosolization mechanisms in speech, A.L. Nord, P. Dosset, P. Slangen, M. Abkarian, J. Aerosol Sci.,175:106282 (2024) [CNRS Press Release]
Signature of (anti)cooperativity in the stochastic fluctuations of small systems: application to the bacterial flagellar motor. M-J. F-Oñate, A. Parmeggiani, J. Dorignac, F., J.C. Walter, F. Pedaci, A.L. Nord, J. Palmeri, N.O. Walliser. Submitted (2024). [Arxiv]
Experiments and Simulations to Investigate How Air Flows in Speech Can Transport a Virus: Research and Teaching Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic, M. Abkarian, S. Mendez, P. Bourrianne, J. K. Nunes, and H. A. Stone., Chemical Education Research During COVID: Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, Vol: 1448, Ed. D. J. Nelson, ACS Symposium Series (2023).
Roadmap for Optical Tweezers, G.Volpe, ..., T.F.D.Ferdandes, F.Pedaci, ..., J.Phys.Photonics. DOI: 10.1088/2515-7647/acb57 (Jan 2023). [Arxiv]
Dynamic stiffening of the flagellar hook., A.L.Nord, A.Biquet-Bisquert, M.Abkarian, T.Pigaglio, F.Seduk, A.Magalon, F.Pedaci. Nat. Comm. 13, 2925 (2022). [Arxiv]
Computational design of mechanically coupled axle-rotor protein assemblies, A. Courbet*, J. Hansen*, Y. Hsia, N. Bethel, Y.-J. Park, C. Xu, A. Moyer, S. Boyken, J. Ueda, U. Nattermann, D. Nagarajan, D.-A. Silva, W. Scheffler, J. Quispe, A. L. Nord, N. King, P. Bradley, D. Veesler, J. Kollman, D. Baker. Science 376 (6591) 383-390 (Apr 2022).
A Modular Spring-Loaded Actuator for Mechanical Activation of Membrane Proteins, A. Mills, N. Aissaoui, D. Maurel, J. Elezgaray, F. Morvan, J. J. Vasseur, E. Margeat, R. B. Quast, J. Lai Kee-Him, N. Saint, C. Benistant, A. L. Nord, F. Pedaci, G. Bellot. Nat. Comm. 13, 3182 (2022).
Relaxation time asymmetry in stator dynamics of the bacterial flagellar motor, R.Perez-Carrasco, M.J.Franco-Oñate, J.C.Walter, J.Dorignac, F.Geniet, J.Palmeri, A.Parmeggiani, N.O.Walliser, A.L.Nord, Sci. Adv. 8 (12) (2022). [Biorxiv]
Flagellar motors and force sensing in bacteria, M. A. B. Baker, S. Kojima, A. L. Nord, J. D. Partridge, Front. Microbio. 13 (146) (2022).
Air Flows in Opera, P Bourrianne, PR Kaneelil, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Phys. Rev. Applied 18 (2), 024042 (2022)
Colliding respiratory jets as a mechanism of air exchange and pathogen transport during conversations, A Giri, N Biswas, DL Chase, N Xue, M Abkarian, S Mendez, S Saha, HA. Stone, J. Fluid Mech., 930, R1 (2022)
In vitro red blood cell segregation in sickle cell anemia, V Clavería, P Connes, L Lanotte, C Renoux, P Joly, R Fort, A Gauthier, C. Wagner, M. Abkarian, Frontiers in Physics, 9, 712 (2021)
Molecular structure of the intact bacterial flagellar basal body., S.Johnson, E.J.Furlong, J.C. Deme, A.L.Nord, J.Caesar, F.F.V.Chevance, R.M.Berry, K.T.Hughes, S.M.Lea., Nat. Microbiol. 6, 712 (2021).
The dynamic ion motive force powering the bacterial flagellar motor., A.Biquet-Bisquert, G.Labesse, F.Pedaci, A.L.Nord., Front. Microbiol. 12:659464. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.659464 (Apr 2021).
Quantifying the effect of a mask on expiratory flows, P Bourrianne, N Xue, J Nunes, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Phys. Rev. Fluids 6 (11), 110511 (2021)
Tracking the air exhaled by an opera singer, P Bourrianne, PR Kaneelil, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Phys. Rev. Fluids 6 (11), 110503 (2021)
Improved backscattering detection in photonic force microscopy near dielectric surfaces with cylindrical vector beams., M.G.Donato, F.Patti, R.Saija, M.AntoniaIatì, P.G.Gucciardi, F.Pedaci, G.Strangi, O.M.Maragò. JQSRT 258, 107381 (Oct 2020).
Towards improved social distancing guidelines: Space and time dependence of virus transmission from speech-driven aerosol transport between two individuals, F Yang, AA Pahlavan, S Mendez, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Phys. Rev. Fluids 5 (12), 122501 (2020)
Speech can produce jet-like transport relevant to asymptomatic spreading of virus, M Abkarian, S Mendez, N Xue, F Yang, HA Stone, PNAS, 117 (41), 25237-25245 (2020)
Stretching and break-up of saliva filaments during speech : A route for 2 pathogen aerosolization and its potential mitigation, M. Abkarian* and H.A. Stone, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 102301 (2020) *(Co-corresponding)
High resolution photonic force microscopy based on sharp nano-fabricated tips, R.Desgarceaux*, Z.Santybayeva*, E.Battistella, A.L.Nord, C.Braun-Breton, M.Abkarian, O.M.Maragò, B.Charlot*, F.Pedaci*. Nano Letters 20, 6, 4249–4255 (May 2020) [arXiv][PDF][SI]
The Brownian and Flow‐Driven Rotational Dynamics of a Multicomponent DNA Origami‐Based Rotor, Y.Ahmadi, A.L.Nord, A.J.Wilson, C.Hütter, F.Schroeder, M.Beeby, I.Barišić., Small 16: 22, 2001855 (June 2020).
Mechanisms and dynamics of the Bacterial Flagellar Motor, A.L.Nord, F.Pedaci. Chapter in Physical Microbiology. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1267. Springer (2020). [PDF]
Load-dependent adaptation near zero load in the bacterial flagellar motor., J.A.Nirody, A.L.Nord, R.M. Berry., J. R. Soc. Interface. 31, 16:20190300 (Oct 2019).
Dynamics of blood cell suspensions in microflows, Eds. A Viallat, M Abkarian, CRC Press, (2019)
Microfluidic blood vasculature replicas using backside lithography, M Fenech, V Girod, V Claveria, S Meance, M Abkarian, B Charlot, Lab on a Chip 19 (12), 2096-2106 (2019)
Kinetic analysis methods applied to single motor protein trajectories., A.L.Nord, A.F.Pols, M.Depken*, F.Pedaci*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 18775-18781 (June 2018). [Biorxiv] [PDF] [SI] [correction]
Talbot displacement lithography with soft elastomeric conformal phase masks, R.Desgarceaux, F. Pedaci, B. Charlot.. IEEE Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP) pp. 1-5 (May 2018). [PDF]
Quantifying the Precision of Single-Molecule Torque and Twist Measurements Using Allan Variance, M. van Oene, S.Ha, T.Jager, M.Lee, F.Pedaci, J.Lipfert, N.Dekker, Bioph. J. 114 (8) 1970-1979 (Feb. 2018). [PDF]
In-plane elasticity controls the full dynamics of red blood cells in shear flow, S. Mendez & M. Abkarian, Phys. Rev Fluids, 3(10) :101101 (2018)
Flow-induced transitions of red blood cell shapes under shear, J. Mauer, S. Mendez, L. Lanotte, F. Nicoud, M. Abkarian, G. Gompper & D. A. Fedosov, Phys. Rev Lett., 121(11) :118103 (2018)
Sequential Membrane Rupture and Vesiculation during Plasmodium berghei Gametocyte Egress from the Red Blood Cell, M Andreadaki, E Hanssen, E Deligianni, C Claudet, K Wengelnik, ..., M. Abkarian, C. Braun-Breton, Inga Siden-Kiamos, Sci. Rep. 8 (1), 3543 (2018)
Blood rheological abnormalities in sickle cell anemia, P Connes, C Renoux, M Romana, M Abkarian, P Joly, C Martin, ..., Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation 68 (2-3), 165-172 (2018)
Role of red cells and plasma composition on blood sessile droplet evaporation, L Lanotte, D Laux, B Charlot, M Abkarian, Phys. Rev. E 96 (5), 053114 (2018)
Sinking a granular raft, S Protière, C Josserand, JM Aristoff, HA Stone, M Abkarian, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (10), 108001 (2017)
Catch-bond drives stator mechanosensitivity in the Bacterial Flagellar Motor, A.L.Nord, E.Gachon, R.Perez-Carrasco, J.A.Nirody, A.Barducci, R.M.Berry, F.Pedaci. PNAS 114 (49) 12952-12957 (Nov. 2017). [PDF+SI]
Speed of the bacterial flagellar motor near zero load depends on the number of stator units., A.L.Nord, Y. Sowa, B.C.Steel, C.Lo, R.M.Berry, PNAS 114 (44) 11603-11608 (Oct. 2017).
Impact of fluorescent protein fusions on the bacterial flagellar motor, M.Heo*, A.L.Nord*, D.Chamousset, E. van Rijn, HJE Beaumont, F.Pedaci., Sci. Rep. 7, 12583 (Oct. 2017). [PDF][SI]
Applying torque to the Escherichia coli flagellar motor using magnetic tweezers, M.M. van Oene, L.E.Dickinson, B.Cross, F.Pedaci, J.Lipfert, N.H.Dekker, Sci. Rep. 7, 43285 (Mar. 2017). [PDF] [SI]
Speed of the bacterial flagellar motor near zero load depends on the number of stator units, A.L.Nord, et al., PNAS 114.44 (2017).
Red cells’ dynamic morphologies govern blood shear thinning under microcirculatory flow conditions, L Lanotte, J Mauer, S Mendez, DA Fedosov, JM Fromental, V Claveria, F. Nicoud, G. Gompper, M. Abkarian, PNAS, 113 (47), 13289-13294 (2016)
Transient pauses of the bacterial flagellar motor at low load. A.L.Nord, F.Pedaci, R.M.Berry, New J. Phys. 18 115002 (Nov 2016). [PDF][SI]
Optical Torque Wrench Design and Calibration., Z.Santybayeva, F.Pedaci., In Optical Tweezers, Vol.1486 of the series Meth. Mol. Biol. 157-181 (Nov 2016). [PDF]
Fabrication of quartz micro-cylinders by laser interference lithography for angular optical tweezers, Z.Santybayeva, A.Meghit , R.Desgarceaux, R.Teissier, F.Pichot, Marin, B.Charlot, F.Pedaci, J. Micro/Nanolith. MM 15(3), 034507 (Sep. 2016) [PDF]
Red blood cell spectrin skeleton in the spotlight, C Braun-Breton, M Abkarian, Trends in parasitology 32 (2), 90-92 (2016)
Clusters of red blood cells in microcapillary flow: hydrodynamic versus macromolecule induced interaction, V Clavería, O Aouane, M Thiébaud, M Abkarian, G Coupier, C Misbah, T. John, C. Wagner., Soft Matter 12 (39), 8235-8245 (2016)
The dynamics of interacting folds under biaxial compressive stresses, H Shin, AC Dixit, HA Stone, M Abkarian, P Kim, Soft matter 12 (15), 3502-3506
Dynamics of colloid accumulation under flow over porous obstacles, MR de Saint Vincent, M Abkarian, H Tabuteau, Soft matter 12 (4), 1041-1050 (2015)
Biological Magnetometry: Torque on Superparamagnetic Beads in Magnetic Fields, M.van Oene, L.E.Dickinson, F.Pedaci, M.Köber, D.Dulin, J.Lipfert, N.H.Dekker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 218301 (May 2015) [PDF][SI]
Torque Spectroscopy for the Study of Rotary Motion in Biological Systems, J.Lipfert, M.M. van Oene, M.Lee, F.Pedaci, N.H. Dekker, Chem. Rev., 115 (3), 1449–1474 (2015) [PDF]
Efficient illumination for microsecond tracking microscopy, D.Dulin, X.Hachair, S.Barland, F.Pedaci, PLoS ONE 9(9): e107335. (Sep 2014). [PDF]
On the importance of red blood cells deformability in blood flow, M. Abkarian & A. Viallat, Chapter 10, 103 pages, in Fluid-Structure Interactions in Low-Reynolds-Number flows, RSC Soft Matter Series
Clogging of a single pore by colloidal particles, B Dersoir, MR de Saint Vincent, M Abkarian, H Tabuteau, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 19, 953-961 (2015)
Microfluidic study of enhanced deposition of sickle cells at acute corners, E Loiseau, G Massiera, S Mendez, PA Martinez, M Abkarian, Biophys. J. 108 (11), 2623-2632 (2015)
A simple model to understand the effect of membrane shear elasticity and stress-free shape on the motion of red blood cells in shear flow, J Dupire, M Abkarian, A Viallat, Soft Matter 11 (42), 8372-8382 (2015)
Red blood cell: from its mechanics to its motion in shear flow, A Viallat, M Abkarian, International journal of laboratory hematology 36 (3), 237-243 (2014)
Curling and rolling dynamics of naturally curved ribbons, OA Arriagada, G Massiera, M Abkarian, Soft Matter 10 (17), 3055-3065, (2014)
Curling dynamics of naturally curved ribbons: from high to low Reynolds numbers, OA Arriagada, R Clavé, G Massiera, M Abkarian, CFM 2013-21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (2014)
Capillary force on a micrometric sphere trapped at a fluid interface exhibiting arbitrary curvature gradients, C Blanc, D Fedorenko, M Gross, M In, M Abkarian, MA Gharbi, ..., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (5), 058302 (2014)
Gravity-induced encapsulation of liquids by destabilization of granular rafts, M Abkarian, S Protière, JM Aristoff, HA Stone, Nature communications 4 (1), 1895 (2013)
High-resolution single-molecule characterization of the enzymatic states in Escherichia coli F1-ATPase, B.Thomas, M.Nakanishi-Matsui, B.C.Steel, T.Pilizota, A.L.Nord, H.Hosokawa, M.Futai, R.M.Berry, Phil. Tran. Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368, no. 1611 20120023 (2013)
The microbial olympics, Youle, M., Rohwer, F., Stacy, A., Whiteley, M., Steel, B.C., Delalez, N.J., Nord, A.L., Berry, R.M., Armitage, J.P., Kamoun, S. and Hogenhout, S. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 10(8), 583-588 (2012).
Calibration of the optical torque wrench, F.Pedaci*, Z.Huang*, M.van Oene, and N.H.Dekker. Opt. Express, 20, 3787-3802 (2012). [PDF]
Red blood cell membrane dynamics during malaria parasite egress, A Callan-Jones, OEA Arriagada, G Massiera, V Lorman, M Abkarian, Biophys. J. 103 (12), 2475-2483 (2012)
Older works
Excitable particles in an optical torque wrench., F.Pedaci*, Z. Huang*, M.v. Oene, S.Barland and N.H.Dekker, Nat. Phys. 7, 259-264 (2011). [PDF]
Hierarchical folding of elastic membranes under biaxial compressive stress, P Kim, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Nat. Materials 10 (12), 952-957 (2011)
Electron Beam Fabrication of Birefringent Microcylinder, Z.Huang*, F.Pedaci*, M.v. Oene, M.J. Wiggin and N.H. Dekker, ACS Nano 5, 1418-1427 (2011). [PDF]
Freely orbiting magnetic tweezers to directly monitor changes in the twist of nucleic acids, J. Lipfert*, M.Wiggin*, J.W.J. Kerssemakers, F.Pedaci and N.H. Dekker, Nat. Comm. 2, 439 (2011).
Multiscale approach to link red blood cell dynamics, shear viscosity, and ATP release, AM Forsyth, J Wan, PD Owrutsky, M Abkarian, HA Stone, PNAS, 108 (27), 10986-10991 (2011)
A novel mechanism for egress of malarial parasites from red blood cells, M Abkarian, G Massiera, L Berry, M Roques, C Braun-Breton, Blood, 117 (15), 4118-4124 (2011)
Sedimentation of vesicles: from pear-like shapes to microtether extrusion, ZH Huang, M Abkarian, A Viallat, New Journal of Physics 13 (3), 035026 (2011)
Surface instability of soft solids under strain, S Mora, M Abkarian, H Tabuteau, Y Pomeau, Soft matter 7 (22), 10612-10619 (2011)
Continuous droplet interface crossing encapsulation (cDICE) for high throughput monodisperse vesicle design, M Abkarian, E Loiseau, G Massiera, Soft Matter 7 (10), 4610-4614 (2011)
Chaotic dynamics of red blood cells in a sinusoidal flow, J Dupire, M Abkarian, A Viallat, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (16), 168101 (2010)
Microscopic mechanisms of the brittleness of viscoelastic fluids, H Tabuteau, S Mora, G Porte, M Abkarian, C Ligoure, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (15), 155501
Phase-coherent, injection-seeded, table-top soft-X-ray lasers at 18.9 nm and 13.9 nm, Y Wang, E Granados, F Pedaci, D Alessi, B Luther, M Berrill, JJ Rocca, Nat. Phot. 2 (2), 94-98 (2008).
All-optical delay line using semiconductor cavity solitons, F.Pedaci, S.Barland, E.Caboche, P.Genevet, M.Giudici, J.R.Tredicce. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 (1), 011101 (2008).
Cellular-scale hydrodynamics, M Abkarian, M Faivre, R Horton, K Smistrup, CA Best-Popescu, HA Stone, Biomedical materials 3 (3), 034011 (2008)
Vesicles and red blood cells in shear flow, M Abkarian, A Viallat, Soft Matter 4 (4), 653-657 (2008)
Dissolution arrest and stability of particle-covered bubbles, M Abkarian, AB Subramaniam, SH Kim, RJ Larsen, SM Yang, HA Stone, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99 (18), 188301 (2007)
Swinging of red blood cells under shear flow, M Abkarian, M Faivre, A Viallat, Phys. Rev. Lett., 98 (18), 188302 (2007)
Mechanics of interfacial composite materials, AB Subramaniam, M Abkarian, L Mahadevan, HA Stone, Langmuir 22 (24), 10204 (2006)
Microstructure, morphology, and lifetime of armored bubbles exposed to surfactants, AB Subramaniam, C Mejean, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Langmuir 22 (14), 5986 (2006)
High-speed microfluidic differential manometer for cellular-scale hydrodynamics, M Abkarian, M Faivre, HA Stone, PNAS, 103 (3), 538-542 (2006)
Geometrical focusing of cells in a microfluidic device: an approach to separate blood plasma, M Faivre, M Abkarian, K Bickraj, HA Stone, Biorheology 43 (2), 147-159
Non-spherical bubbles, AB Subramaniam, M Abkarian, L Mahadevan, HA Stone, Nature 438 (7070), 930-930 (2005)
Microfluidic flow focusing: Drop size and scaling in pressure versus flow‐rate‐driven pumping, T Ward, M Faivre, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Electrophoresis 26 (19), 3716-3724 (2005)
Dynamics of vesicles in a wall-bounded shear flow, M Abkarian, A Viallat, Biophysical J 89 (2), 1055-1066 (2005)
Controlled assembly of jammed colloidal shells on fluid droplets, AB Subramaniam, M Abkarian, HA Stone, Nature materials 4 (7), 553-556 (2005)
Colloidal crystallization and banding in a cylindrical geometry, M Abkarian, J Nunes, HA Stone, JACS, 126 (19), 5978-5979 (2004)
Giant lipid vesicles filled with a gel: shape instability induced by osmotic shrinkage, A Viallat, J Dalous, M Abkarian, Biophysical J 86 (4), 2179-2187 (2004)
Tank treading and unbinding of deformable vesicles in shear flow: determination of the lift force, M Abkarian, C Lartigue, A Viallat, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (6), 068103 (2002)
Motion of phospholipidic vesicles along an inclined plane: sliding and rolling, M Abkarian, C Lartigue, A Viallat, Phys. Rev. E 63 (4), 041906 (2001)