Francesco PEDACI
I studied physics at Università degli Studi in Milan, Italy. I then obtained my PhD in experimental optics and non linear dynamics at the INLN (now Inphyni) in Nice, France, in the group of J.Tredicce. I then moved for a postdoc to Colorado State University (CO, US) in the group of J.J.Rocca, to develop soft X-ray laser sources. I then started working in single molecule biophysics as a postdoc at the Bionanoscience dept at TUDelft (The Netherlands), in the group of N.H.Dekker. In 2012 I joined the CNRS at the Centre de Biologie Structurale, in Montpellier (France).
My expertise is mainly in optics, microscopy, optical tweezers, single molecule biophysics and data analysis.